

Hello Reader Friends! I’m Ashley.

A language enthusiast, caffeine appreciator, and lover of all things horror; I am a closet poet, but my passion for stories and reading has never been a secret. Memoirs, Junji Ito manga, and lots of High Fantasy reads take up the most amount of space on my shelves and unfortunately also in large totes that reside under my bed (books take up so much room, but will I stop buying physical copies? Never.)

I have 2 degrees in Communication Studies and aiming for a third (my Master’s) and when my head isn’t full of sword-wielding rescue missions from scenes I’m working on for my own novel, I’m working with senior citizens and teenagers at a nonprofit organization.

This book blog is a fun side project now that I’m (mostly) out of school and here to bring you recommendations, summaries, and maybe some other interesting things? I’m always open to questions, comments, and concerns – so bring ’em!

Happy Reading,


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